
Thoughts to a young missionary

No 3

Last time we thought about what Conversion is. This time l would like to talk about how a person enters into Conversion, in other words, we will answer the question – How can a person be saved?

If we did a pole of people in the street as to how people become converted or as might be more commonly understood how people became Christians. We would find that most people would think that salvation is received on the basis of some act done on the behalf of the sinner.

Myth 1. Some people think that they become converted by infant baptism. There is absolutely no indication in the Bible that this is what Christ taught. Nobody is converted by a religious rite and especially not on the behalf of another person.

Myth 2. Some people think that a person becomes a christian by deciding to change their ways and dedicate themselves to God and promise to live a good life – to the best of their ability.

Myth 3. Some people think that a person who dedicates themselves to helping others and giving to charity and being a kind and helpful person to other people will secure the favour of God and that they effectively become christians by following Christ’s example, in that, he went about doing good.

Myth 4. Some people think that they become christians by learning to understand the Bible and praying and going to church.

Myth 5. Some people think the secret of real conversion is found in a change of mind that leads to a major transformation of life from sin to holiness.

Myth 6. Some people think that they are christians because they have prayed the ‘sinners prayer’ and that because they were sincere they are saved if they prayed the prayer right.

If you have believed any of these myths – bear with me, as l explain what the real Gospel is.

Paul described his Gospel like this… Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures: And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. 1 Cor 15v 3-4

Let me make the Good news of God very clear

The simple Gospel is that, ‘Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners’ and that he died on the cross and was buried and that God has raised him from the dead.

Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ. It is only by faith and nothing else. There may be many things that lead up to faith and there will be many things that will follow, it but it is only faith that saves. As the reformers said, – Sola Fide ‘faith alone’.

Let me quote the very words of Christ himself.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that, whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3v16

Here we have just 25 words. The first twelve words describe what God does and the second 25 words describe what sinners do in response. (and Christ is in the centre of it all).

What has God done?

God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son. God has done everything for salvation. There is nothing for man to do whatsoever to provide salvation. Salvation is of the Lord! So what has God done? He loved us so much that he sent his one and only Son to die upon the cross for our sins. This was the message of the angel to Joseph. You shall call him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. Salvation is what God has provided for us.

So if that is Gods part, and he has done everything in providing a full and free salvation then, what is our part? What so we have to do to become a christian? What do we have to do to have eternal life?

The second part of John 3v16 says it so well… whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

So what is believing?

Is it a religious rite such as baptism? NO
Is it being sorry for your sins and resolving to live a better life? definitely not!
Is it turning over a new leaf and living by the golden rule? NO
Is it something to learn and study? NO
Is it understanding something? NO
Is it trying to life a holy life? NO
Is it saying a sinners prayer? NO

In our last passage we said that salvation is…

Justification, Adoption, Redemption, Cleansing

No criminal can give himself a pardon. No child can adopt himself into a family. No slave can free himself and not defiled sinner can make himself clean in Gods sight.

So what is Faith?

Faith is believing, that what Christ did on the cross, he did for you. It’s not knowing about what Christ has done – its knowing that Christ really did do it for you and depending on what Christ has done for you. God never asks us to pray for something to be saved, he tells us to believe something. And those who believe that Christ died, was buried and rose again for them ARE saved.

Once may years ago a very simple man, who did not appear to understand much said this – ‘Jesus Christ died for sinners and I’m a sinner, so Jesus Christ died for me’. Nobody can improve on that – That’s logic and that’s faith.

As Paul said … The Son of God loved me and gave himself for me’.

So what about you?

Are you relying on what you have done? Or are you relying on what Christ has done for you?
Are you relying on your best efforts?
Are you relying on the religious rite that the church performed on you?
Are you relying on the very best efforts that you have made to clean up your life?

If that is so then you need to be saved. And you need to understand that it not about what you have done its all about what Christ has done.

You may ask what can you do? Nothing, except to take God at his word and to believe that Christ really did die for you.

And when you believe that Christ died for you, you are saved

Next time we will talk about forgiveness of sins.

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