
When l say l am a christian.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not shouting "I'm clean livin'."
I'm whispering "I was lost,
Now I'm found and forgiven."

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble
and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak
And need His strength to carry on.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I am worth it.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.

When I say... "I am a Christian"
I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner
Who received God's good grace, somehow!


The word dispensation means – Economy or House rule. It refers to the administration of God at various times in which God holds men responsible to the revelation of himself. Sometimes these dispensations are fixed time periods however the emphasis is not on time but responsibility.

The Dispensation of Innocence.
This administration is a short period when Adam and Eve are in the Garden of Eden and know nothing of sin experimentally. They live according to one law the Revelation of God Adam.

The Dispensation of Conscience.
This administration began at the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden. This administration still continues today in the lives of those who live as outlaws to the rules of society. Rather than obeying law they live only according their own conscience. The Revelation of God is the conscience in all men.

The Dispensation of Government.
After the Flood God ordains that, “If a man sheds blood then by man shall his blood be shed”. This is the start of civilisation and human government. This administration continues today in the lives of those who submit to the laws of society. The Revelation of God is found in the laws of civil authorities raised up by God to administer on his behalf.

The Dispensation of Promise.
This administration is based on the call of Abraham and continued until the Exodus from Egypt. The Revelation of God is to Abraham – Promises of Blessing.

The Dispensation of Law.
This administration was based on the giving of the Law to Israel. Those who are circumscised find that God expects obedience to the Mosaic law. This administration for the Jews ran alongside conscience and human government for Gentiles.

The Dispensation of Grace.
This administration of God is based completely on the Grace of God. It is characterised by Faith in Christs atoning work. God gives his blessing to those who hear the Gospel and trust in Christ. It is not according to works but a gift of Grace. It began after the day of Pentecost and will end at the rapture, when all the Church is caught up to meet Christ in the air.

The Dispensation of Tribulation.
This administration will last for a little less than 7 years. It is effectly the end of the Dispensation of Law and the last week of the times of the Gentiles. It will be a time of Trouble for Israel in which the Anti-Christ opposes Israel. Christ will return at the end to judge the living nations according to law.

The Dispensation of the Millennium Reign of Christ.
This administration is a period of universal blessing, for 1000 years, as Christ sits on the throne of his father David. The Revelation of God is found in the Law that Christ will personally administer from Jerusalem.

Much of the confusion relating to dispensations is the fact that some dispensations fall betwen fixed periods of time, however the period of time is not the crucial point, it is the administration of God which comes to man in various ways that is the focus of attension. The other point is that the responsibility of men is according to the revelation they have recieved. Therefore different men find themselves in various levels of responsibility according to what God has revealed.

If in our reading of scripture we find that God holds men responsible to law and rewards behaviour accordingly then we can bew sure that the administration described is Law. However if we find that the promise of blessing is given as a gift on the basis of faith then we can be sure that the administration being described is Grace.


The Gospel

The word Gospel was originally the name given of a gift given to someone who brought a good message. In time the word changed in use to mean the good message itself.

In the Nt the word evangellion - 'Gospel' is used in a special sense - as a declaration to men that God has provided salvation in Christ’s atoning death on the cross.

However the word Gospel is also used in a broader sense in the Nt for any message of goodwill to men and so great care must be exercised as to which message of goodwill the writer is referring to.

1. First of all we have what is called the 'Everlasting Gospel' This message of goodwill to men was proclaimed from the beginning, even in Adam's day. The message came directly from God the creator to man on earth. It was the message that God expects men to worship him as creator God. The message included the promise of blessing on the godly and the prospect of judgment on the ungodly. Enoch preached this Gospel. Jude 14-15. Noah preached this too. Heb 11v7 2Peter 2v5. this message will be preached again in a future day. Rev 14v7.
This Gospel looks forward to the cross and brings the sinner a sence of the fear of the Lord and of his need of salvation.

2. The second message of goodwill is the good news of the coming kingdom. This was promised to Abraham and to his seed. Gen 12v1-3. This message of goodwill to Abraham and his seed was gradually expanded and developed but it always came to the Sons of Abraham and latter called 'the children of Israel'.
This glorious message of goodwill to men was proclaimed to the Shepherds on the Judean hillsides.
'Behold l bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord'.
The immediate audience of this message were the children of Israel. It was a message from Jehovah calling upon Israel to return unto him in covenant relationship - in preparation for the coming Messianic kingdom.
in Acts 2v30 Peter explains exactly what Israel had done to Christ and how they stood in relation to him. And for the next 37 years this message went out to all Jews scattered throughout the Roman world.
In a future day this message will be preached again throughout the world during the Tribulation in preparation for the return of Christ in glory and power.
This Gospel looks forward to the Kingdom and brings the lost sheep of the house of Israel back unto fellowship with the Shepherd of their souls.

3. The third message of goodwill to men is the glad tidings of the cross and resurrection and glory of Christ. It is the Gospel of God. We see in Romans ch 1 that the message of Gods goodwill to both Israel and to the Gentiles goes out through out the world and its subject is the Cross and Resurrection of Christ from the dead. The special feature of this Gospel is the basis upon which it is preached. It is the Gospel of the GRACE of God.
This is a message to both Jew and Gentile that both might be blessed by simple faith in Christ’s atoning work.
This Gospel looks back to the cross and takes a man from being a sinner to being saved.

This Gospel is a proclaimation that God is willing to save men from the guilt and power of sin by faith in Christ and in what Christ has done.
