
Question to Steve

Q. Can GOD use a dance to show someone his gospel and lead them to salvation?

A, Dance is a medium that some people are able to interpret as having meaning. Yet the Gospel is a language based message. It is communicated in words. For example if l said,, Jesus Christ died for you. These five simple words may be heard and understood immediately by any English speaking person. However as dance is a highly interpretive medium and most people would not correctly understand its message it becomes a medium of very limited use in the gospel. Mime would probably have a better chance of being understood yet even here, without words, many might misunderstand its message. When Christ came he did not dance his message. When Peter wanted to explain why the Holy Spirit had come on the day of Pentecost he did not say watch this and dance a jig! No – He spoke words. The Gospel is a spoken message. This does not mean that dance has no place for Christians but in communicating the Gospel it must be very, very limited indeed if not useless for that purpose. If l spoke John 3v16 is would take ten seconds and the words spoken would be clear immediately but if that message was attempted to be made clear by dance l would doubt anyone would ever get the message clearly. In the Gospel we should stick to preaching. The Gospel is good news spoken to those who need to hear it.

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